Morrissey, Richard, Esq.
Attorney Richard Morrissey was a magistrate for thirty-seven years with a recognized specialty in civil law and procedure. During his years of service he was a teacher and lecturer for the trial court in all areas of the law. He conducted seminars on small claims, civil law and procedure, summary process, mental health, civil motor vehicle hearing, and search warrants, not only for the trial court, but also local and state agencies and the Hampden County Bar Association. As a magistrate he worked in all four western Massachusetts counties, at the request of the Regional Administrative Justice, to hear cases in which the local court had a conflict. For the MCLE, he wrote “How to Handle a Civil Motor Vehicle Hearing” and for the Hampden County Bar Association, along with Justice Kenneth Cote, authored a pamphlet, “Civil One Trial System.” His years of working in the busiest court in the state have given Dick a unique perspective on how to resolve a case.